Natural Enterprise

an economic and environmental partnership

Kingfisher, Eastern Yar

Island Rivers

Natural Enterprise host the Island Rivers Catchment Partnership. This brings together local people and organisations to plan and deliver positive actions that will improve our water environment.

The natural water quality of the Island’s streams is variable. Those arising from chalk springs are well buffered and neutral, whereas those originating from sandstone may be acidic. Rivers that flow across the greensand such as the Eastern Yar will carry a lot of sediment. Water quality is also affected by, among other things, run-off from farms and urban areas, by leachate from landfill and industrial sites and by poorly maintained septic tanks and misconnected domestic pipes.

The Island Rivers Partnership have six aims, to improve water quality, to protect water resources, to enhance habitats and biodiversity, to remove river obstacles, to add climate resilience and to engage people. The group produce a Management Plan to strategically guide project development and attract funding. This is updated annually.

The Island Rivers website is cornucopia of information on the Island’s water courses and wetlands. As well as descriptions of the rivers, there are details of waterside walks, best practices and issues. The website details current and past projects and has learning resources.

Broad bodied chaser dragonfly

Broad bodied chaser dragonfly

Newtown Creek

Newtown Creek

Causeway, Freshwater. Credit Emma Brown

Causeway, Freshwater. Credit Emma Brown

web site by Island Webservices